A collection of thoughts, reminders, ideas and mental wonderings / wanderings.

Video - BBC Ideas - What Is Hauntology? And Why Is It All Around Us?
Andy Cropper Andy Cropper

Video - BBC Ideas - What Is Hauntology? And Why Is It All Around Us?

‘Hauntology‘ is an open ended term coined by the philosopher Jacques Derrida in the early 1990’s in his book ‘Spectres of Marx’ (1993). Created as a portmanteau of the words ‘haunting‘ and ‘ontology‘ [the philosophical study of being] producing a word to describe the study of a spectral, ghostly, version of being - the figure of the ghost as that which is neither present, nor absent …

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"The Slow Death Of Purposeless Walking" - BBC Article By Finlo Rohrer
Andy Cropper Andy Cropper

"The Slow Death Of Purposeless Walking" - BBC Article By Finlo Rohrer

I've been pointed towards a BBC news magazine article from 2014, "The Slow Death of Purposeless Walking" by Finlo Rohrer.

The article asks "[a] number of recent books have lauded the connection between walking - just for its own sake - and thinking. But are people losing their love of the purposeless walk?" …

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