Sleep 02 - Video - ‘4-7-8’ Breathing Exercise
Sleep 02 Video
4-7-8 Breathing Exercise
A “breathing in / breathing out” video which is designed to temporarily decrease oxygen levels and increase the amount of carbon dioxide in your blood which makes you light headed at first. Once the breathing exercise is finished your body counteracts the dramatic increase in CO2 in the blood by flooding your body with oxygen and this is where the whole body relaxation part truly kicks in.
Good as a grounding / distraction exercise too when experiencing anxiety. (there’s something in the video working for people - the video's had coming up to 48,000+ hits 🤯)
1) "Resting easy: Oxygen promotes deep, restorative sleep" -
Neuroscientists point to potential for oxygen therapy for disrupted sleep
Science Daily, University of Alberta -…
2) “The influence of carbon dioxide on brain activity and metabolism in conscious humans”, Feng Xu, Jinsoo Uh, Matthew R Brier, John Hart, Jr, Uma S Yezhuvath, Hong Gu, Yihong Yang, and Hanzhang Lu. National Library of Medicine -…