Sleep 21 - Action - Slow Counting
Slow counting is as it sounds. Very simply, it’s counting, “1 … 2 … 3 … 4 …”, all within your mind’s eye. With no need to say it aloud, making each number last longer than the previous, making it deeper in pitch and quieter in volume.
So, what do I do? It’s so incredibly simple. Put myself in bed, switch off all distractions, with all lights switched off, ready to fully go to sleep. I close my eyes and start counting inside my head.
Count of 1 , for approximately what you perceive to be 4 seconds long. Visualise with your usual talking voice.
“O …… nnnn ….. e”
Count of 2, this time double the time to a perceived 8 seconds. Slightly deepen the pitch and make the envisioned volume a little bit quieter.
“Ttttttt ………wwwwwww……..ooooooooooo”
Count of 3 , doubling the time to around 16 seconds. Lower the pitch, and make it, once more, quieter than the previous count.
Count of 4
(approximately 32 seconds long)
Count of 5
(approximately 1 minute long)
Simple. And, very effective. I’m usually asleep by the time I hit a count of 6.
I guess, this can be seen as an updated version of counting sheep but normally counting sheep doesn’t work. I think what is working with what I’m describing above is that the drone of the count “ooo…nnn…ee”, “tttw…www…oo”, stops there being any “dead-time” silence. Your focus is on the drone and keeping the drone going. Adding in making the drone deeper and quieter you are keeping yourself quietened/distracted/ occupied.
If you’re having a difficult time getting to sleep give it a go yourself.