Sleep 15 - Drink - Shortly before going to bed drink a pint of water and keep a spare pint of water near to your bed over night. In the morning drink a pint of water

Could one of the reasons you’re getting disrupted sleep be that you’re dehydrated? Did you know it is recommended to drink approximately 4½ pints of water (2.5 litres) a day? No, I’d not heard this either.

There’s an idea in the world of CFS/ME that one of the roots of fatigue is that your level of hydration may need to be higher.

When going to sleep drink a pint just before bed.
Keep a spare pint of water nearby as you sleep.
When waking up drink a pint to refresh you in the morning.

Do know fluids such as tea and coffee (and obviously other drinks) will contribute to your fluid intake but do be aware caffeine can play a big part in keeping you wired/ alert, alcohol can act as a diuretic and any added sugars may not be something you desire in your diet.


Sleep 14 - Action - If you do need to sleep during the day, sleep in the brightest room of your house or garden, facing a window, looking towards the sky.


Sleep 16 - Audio - Robert Rich’s sleep albums - Somnium, 2001 (7 hrs), Perpetual: A Somnium Continuum, 2014 (8 hrs)