Sleep 17 - Drink - After 6pm don’t drink or eat anything containing caffeine. Coffee, tea, or chocolate.

After 6pm (or 6 hours before your usual time of sleeping) don’t drink or eat anything containing caffeine. So, for example coffee, tea, or chocolate.

Caffeine as well as being a stimulant, increasing the release of the stress hormone cortisol into your body, is also a diuretic.

Decaf options? There are so many decaffeinated options available now for teas and coffees. Chocolate is not so easy to find
Since changing I have seen an increase in my quality of sleep

And don’t forget to drink water, which will keep you from feeling sluggish without posing any threats to your nighttime routine.



Sleep 16 - Audio - Robert Rich’s sleep albums - Somnium, 2001 (7 hrs), Perpetual: A Somnium Continuum, 2014 (8 hrs)


Sleep 18 - Drink - Don’t have an alcoholic drink in the couple of hours before going to sleep.